for privacy reasons we don't publish photos of cosmetic work online, we are happy to show you examples of brow work at your consultation.
Your first cosmetic tattoo appointment, where you with leave with new brows, healing takes around 4-6 weeks and you will require a touch up in 4-8 weeks time.
Cost : $450 Time: 2-2.5 hours
Follow up
After your initial appointment we give the brows a minimum of 4 weeks to heal at this point we are able to see how much colour has held in the skin and touch up any areas to perfect your brow shape.
Cost : $200. Time: 1-1.5 hours
Refresh Colour Boost
12-18 months
Refresh and boost you brow colour back to it former glory. takes approximately
Cost : $250 Time: 1-1.5hrs
Refresh Colour Boost
18-24 months
Refresh and boost you brow colour back to it former glory.
Cost : $300. Time: 1-1.5 hrs
Refresh Colour Boost
24-36 months
Refresh and boost you brow colour back to it former glory.
Cost : $350. Time: 1-1.5 hours
Colour Boost
Follow up
Touch up and perfect
Cost : $100 Time: 40 mins